On Renewal

Mehdi Yacoubi joins to explore the transformative nature of strength training and the power of playing the long game. We discuss how to make exercise enjoyable, the downsides of health optimization, and ways to overcome resistance. Mehdi highlights how he balances intense training with his roles as a new father and founder of Vital, a social network for health. Throughout this discussion, we explore how can intentionally embrace exercise to increase our capacity to meet the challenges of life. 

Connect with Mehdi:

Twitter: @Mehdiyac 
Newsletter: The Long Game
Company: Vital Social Health

Connect with Sam: 
Twitter: @sc_sager
Personal Writing: onrenewal.substack.com
You can join Sam’s newsletter on Intuitive Fitness at intuitivefitness.substack.com

If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas on the podcast, please email us at onrenewal@substack.com

What is On Renewal?

On Renewal explores how we build the capacity to respond to change and create conditions for regeneration. Hosted by Sam Sager, the show features conversations that explore how to bring vitality to our bodies, minds, organizations, society and the natural world around us.