And Sons

This is it. The final AndSons podcast. In this profoundly heartfelt conversation, Sam and Blaine look back at how this podcast came to be, what this journey has meant to each of them, and how their understanding of success has shifted over the years. This episode, originally a livestream, includes past AndSons podcast guests speaking a blessing over your life. Come, raise a glass, and celebrate the hard but timely end to this amazing chapter.
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Learn more about Sam's latest project at

What is And Sons?

Initiation and the young man’s soul. It’s a young men’s Christian podcast. And it’s a podcast on our cultural moment, post-modernity, the millennial world.

To become a great man, you have to become a good man, one day at a time. And to become a good man, you have to understand your moment. Beauty, adventure, politics, theology, psychology, and the soul, we have conversations with experts in their own terms and dive deep into topics that, if you understand them, will help you change your life. A weekly podcast.