Can I Finish

What’s next after VR 01:52
Delonte West 11:57
Aaron Hernandez Netflix Doc 19:29
Cops 27:36
Things I Chop 34:07
Almost Got Killed 43:15
Bug or Fish 45:41
Real Or Fake 56:30

Show Notes

What’s next after VR 01:52
Delonte West 11:57
Aaron Hernandez Netflix Doc 19:29
Cops 27:36
Things I Chop 34:07
Almost Got Killed 43:15
Bug or Fish 45:41
Real Or Fake 56:30

What is Can I Finish?

The Can I Finish Podcast is hosted by JR Suppa and Billy McKenzie, two friends with different opinions on a lot of different topics. The show consists of discussions on everything from pop culture, to movies, to sports, with some special segments and episodes sprinkled in.