Lean Green DAD™ Radio

Today’s episode is actually episode 100 and it’s a big one, because we have one of my favorite guests on the show. I was so excited to do this podcast and had the great honor to meet  Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle at an event with my non-profit partner Kulture City last year. Guys, Mick Foley is an awesome human being, so down to earth and just a wonderful person. I can’t say enough about how great he is. In addition to being a husband, father and immortal wrestling superstar, he also cares very much about his health. In fact, a while back he decided he needed a change and started eating better. What did he eat and how did he do it? Well, we will talk about all that, but the significance of this episode number is that the changes that he made ended up helping him lose over one hundred pounds. I’m really excited for you to hear this podcast, so let’s get right into it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the one and only, hardcore legend, WWE Hall of Fame Superstar, multi-time best-selling author, stand-up comic, spoken word performer and most of all...a dad...Mr. Mick Foley.

Show Notes

Today’s episode is actually episode 100 and it’s a big one, because we have one of my favorite guests on the show. I was so excited to do this podcast and had the great honor to meet  Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle at an event with my non-profit partner Kulture City last year. Guys, Mick Foley is an awesome human being, so down to earth and just a wonderful person. I can’t say enough about how great he is. In addition to being a husband, father and immortal wrestling superstar, he also cares very much about his health. In fact, a while back he decided he needed a change and started eating better. What did he eat and how did he do it? Well, we will talk about all that, but the significance of this episode number is that the changes that he made ended up helping him lose over one hundred pounds. I’m really excited for you to hear this podcast, so let’s get right into it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the one and only, hardcore legend, WWE Hall of Fame Superstar, multi-time best-selling author, stand-up comic, spoken word performer and most of all...a dad...Mr. Mick Foley.

What is Lean Green DAD™ Radio?

Cory Warren is a husband, father of three, vegan dad, and vegan athlete who helps busy families eat more plant-based foods! His blog, Lean Green DAD, helps over-scheduled, busy people (mostly parents) maintain a healthy balance of plant-based nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness so they can go the extra mile for their families. Visit LeanGreenMealPlan.com for quick and easy plant-based meals in 15-minutes or less.