Feel More Buy More

In this episode, we're going to be talking about how and why ads perform so differently across markets. We have examples of those that test very well in some territories and those very same ads completely flop in another. We'll look into why this is and how brands can ensure that their ads can perform effectively across all markets.

Show Notes

How do ads perform across different markets? We've conducted a study which took 5-star ads from the US and tested them in the UK, then took 5-star ads from the UK and tested them in the US to see how much of a difference it made.

We're also joined by Laura Swinton who is the MD and Editor-in-Chief of Little Black Book. LBB is an independent platform that brings together the best work from agencies, brands, post-production houses and more. They also run a yearly awards show called the Immortal Awards.

Here are the ads we discussed:
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What is Feel More Buy More?

Feel More Buy More: The marketing and advertising podcast from System1 that puts its data where its mouth is. Everyone has an opinion on the latest ads. So do we at System1. But we’ve got the numbers too – effectiveness test scores fresh off the System1 Ad Ratings database. Every episode the System1 team and their guests talk you through the latest campaigns and the freshest work – and reveals their Star Ratings