Mark Call Show

So since week included "Independence Day," we'll look at what host Mark Call has frequently called  the most important document ever written ORIGINALLY in the English language, the "unanimous  Declaration of the thirteen united States of America."

Mark welcomes the Common Lawyer, Brent Winters, who points out up front that it's less a "Declaration of Independence," from the British Empire, and more a statement of DEPENDENCE on 'our Creator,' YHVH, and His 'Divine Providence, Who is referenced in the document no less than four times.

Special guest Brent Allan Winters information may be found on his website:
<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The Common Lawyer </a>

What is Mark Call Show?

Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.