Brazil, Reimagined?

Capital of Hope, that’s how Brasília was perceived when it was given shape in the 50s. Emerged from the ground in 5 years, the capital was hailed as a modernist miracle and a symbol of modernity in the wildness. For designers, politicians, workmen and citizens, it became a place of dreams, of change, of new times; but also, of disillusion.

For this last episode of ‘Brasil, Reimagined?’ I thought back of this city where I started my journey, of the place where I did my first interviews with people who talked to me about how to reimagine a place; here, through art and poetry. Within the concrete architectural design, they are creating a place under reconstruction: the Brasília of their own dreams.
Interviews with:
-          Meimei Bastos. Poet, writer, teacher, and owner of the cultural space Caracas Vei in Taguatinga.
-          Cláudia Garcia. Professor at the department of Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Brasília
-          Marcos Fabrício Lopes da Silva. Poet, journalist and independent researcher.

What is Brazil, Reimagined??

A podcast about Brazil’s changing territorial, environmental, and agricultural policies. With the voices of those who are working to reconstruct, reimagine; and redivide. From urban to rural. In the Amazon and beyond.