Real Talk Web Series

Episode 172
“The Matrix Is Real?”

In this week’s episode, the guys start by discussing dealing with “Resistance”—the self-sabotaging habits we all can struggle with at times—and how being “great” can really boil down to whether we can overcome those tendencies.

From here, it’s on to computer programming—is it really just “magic”? (yes, we know how ridiculous this sounds…) From computers having language to “simulation theory”, the guys deep dive down the rabbit-hole…into the Matrix?

Finally, it’s on to the good stuff, anonymous questions asked by YOU, including:

📣 Is there a reason some Christians don’t get blood transfusions?

📣 Should someone’s past, stop us from helping them? Or is that just “keeping a record of wrongs”?

📣 What are some tips to help someone “ignite change” in their life?

📣 Have the guys been “being a light” lately?

📣 Why did the Holy Spirit cause Philip to disappear after baptizing the Eunuch in Acts 8?

📣 Have men lost their resilience?


So, grab that favorite drink, get comfy, and join the guys for some REAL TALK!!

Want to ask us a question or suggest a topic for us to discuss? Click the link below! Its completely anonymous!

What is Real Talk Web Series ?

Join Todd and AJ as they discuss Life, Faith, The Bible, and everything in between while answering real anonymous questions from viewers! Want to ask? Click below!