Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health

Justin Jackson rocked it on this episode (#010) of Process. I'm so excited to share this conversation with you because I had so much fun recording it. Justin calls himself a maker, probably because there's no better umbrella term for all the things he does. He writes for his blog and e-books, makes tech products like Wordpress plugins, runs membership sites, hosts various podcasts ... all while running a consulting business AND being a father to four kids.

Show Notes

Welcome back to another episode of Process!
This is our tenth episode. Time sure does fly. I'm having so much recording all of these episodes and conversations with creators I admire. I hope you're learning from them as much as I am — because I can't get enough! If it were up to me, I think I'd be recording a new episode every single day!
For everyone reading and listening out there, it's been an honor serving you these ten episodes so far. Here's to many more!
Without further ado, let's jump into episode #010 with Justin Jackson!
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Justin Jackson rocked it on this episode (#010) of Process. I'm so excited to share this conversation with you because I had so much fun recording it. Justin calls himself a maker, probably because there's no better umbrella term for all the things he does. He writes for his blog and e-books, makes tech products like Wordpress plugins, runs membership sites, hosts various podcasts ... all while running a consulting business AND being a father to four kids.
During our conversation, we cover:
  • How Justin manages to do ALL THE THINGS
  • How Justin "packages" himself as a brand
  • Which of his activities is his very favorite — writing
  • The creative constraints of parenting
  • The creative low he experiences — a loss of momentum
  • What gives him energy to keep creating — shipping
Here's my favorite quote from our conversation:
"When you put something out into the world, you don't get to dictate how people respond to it. And I think that's always hard."
Show Notes
Here are links to everything we mention during the show:
- Justin's blog
Product People podcast
- A list of all his other projects
- MegaMaker, a new podcast project Justin is working on
Thanks for listening! And a huge thanks to Justin Jackson for joining me on this episode #010 of Process.
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What is Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health?

Process is a podcast for creators and makers who struggle to manage the ups and downs of a creative life, despite the impact they make on our world. Hosted by Marcella Chamorro, this show reveals strategies and stories for managing the rollercoaster of creativity. Discover how you can maintain a peaceful mindset throughout your creative journey. While Marcella confesses she isn't a licensed coach or therapist, she shares the practical methods she's used to experience peace of mind and creative flow throughout all her projects. More importantly, she interviews successful entrepreneurs and creatives from all walks of life to tell their stories and share what has worked for them in the past, including how to avoid burnout, when to put yourself first, what advice to follow when making a big life or business change, and more. Get ready to deep dive into topics such as meditation, zen practices, stoicism, journaling, morning pages, entrepreneurship, failure, and all sorts of tools that can help makers live a more peaceful and creative life.