The Daily Advocate

You might be able to get some quick wins early in your engagement—and it's a good idea to try—but quick wins don't build a business.

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One of the bigger red flags I see during sales discussions is a need for immediate results. Usually financial ones.

If your prospects need results yesterday, it’s usually a good idea to either reset expectations or turn them away.

Don’t be the miracle worker or the firefighter. Save that work for people who don’t have a choice. It rarely results in a positive outcome for anyone.

Instead, be the farmer who plans crops years in advance and nurtures them consistently over time until they reliably bear produce each year.

Sure, you might be able to get some quick wins early in your engagement—and it’s a good idea to try—but quick wins don’t build a business.

Do things the right way. Do things that take time.

It all starts with the upfront expectations.

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