The Modern Manager

Top athletes in any sport have at least one coach, sometimes multiple, because they want to perform at their best. Turns out, managers aren't so different from athletes!

In order for us to be the best leaders we can be, we need others to help us see our blindspots, push us to think and act in different ways and cheer us on when we’re unsure. In short, a coach can help you unlock your full potential. But coaching isn't a magic wand. It all depends on how willing you are to be coachable. 

Today's guests are Scott Osman and Jacquelyn Lane. Scott is the founder and CEO of the 100 Coaches Agency and codesigner of their proprietary curation process and the company's relationship-first philosophy. In his role as CEO, he establishes the vision for the company, leads partnerships and business development, and serves as a leading light of the 100 Coaches Community, which he co-founded with Marshall Goldsmith in 2016. He is also the co-founder of Methods by 100 Coaches, the online learning platform.

Jacquelyn is the president of the 100 Coaches Agency and codesigner of their proprietary curation process and relationship-first philosophy. She has been with the agency since its founding and is a critical pillar of the 100 Coaches Community. Jacquelyn comes to the world of executive coaching through her previous roles in the energy industry and her lifelong commitment to improving the lives of all people by elevating the quality of leadership.

Scott, Jacquelyn, and I talked about the most important thing any leader can do: be coachable. They share the four aspects of coachability, why being coachable is so powerful, and how to take steps to help yourself become more coachable, plus a whole lot more!

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Conversation Topics
  • (00:00) Intro
  • (02:30) Defining what coaching is and what it’s not
  • (04:29) What does it mean to be coachable, and what are its four components 
  • (09:56) A quick story
  • (12:09) Why having a coach is beneficial
  • (13:57) How to work with a coach to optimize the engagement
  • (17:49) How does a 360 feedback process work
  • (20:08) Things to consider when getting into a coaching relationship
  • (21:11) How can mid-level or frontline managers ask for a coach from their bosses
  • (23:35) A great manager that Jacquelyn has worked for 
  • (25:13) Keep up with Jacquelyn and Scott
  • (26:58) [Extended Episode Only] How to encourage your team members to work with a coach
  • (29:01) [Extended Episode Only] What is the relationship between you as the manager and your team member's coach?
  • (30:22) [Extended Episode Only] Can you reach out to your team member’s coach for a progress report?
  • (31:16) [Extended Episode Only] Ways to find a coach

Additional Resources:

- Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Community for just $15 per month

- Read the full transcript here

- Read the related blog article here

- Follow me on Instagram here 

- Visit my website for more here

Connect with Scott and Jacquelyn:

- Follow Scott on LinkedIn here

- Follow Jacquelyn on LinkedIn here

- Grab a copy of their book here

- Visit 100 Coaches Agency for more information here

Free Kindle edition of Becoming Coachable

Members of The Modern Manager community can receive a free Kindle edition of Becoming Coachable. Imbued with decades of experience at the highest echelons of the industry, Becoming Coachable guides readers through the ins and outs of a successful coaching experience. 

Get a free Kindle edition copy of this book and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Community.


The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

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What is The Modern Manager?

Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at:

Solo episodes are like mini-courses, providing actionable tips based on experience and research. Guest episodes are engaging conversations that elicit insights and suggestions for how to apply the ideas.

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