RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

This subject hits close to home. As parents, we always try to do the best we can, but sometimes our best isn't what was needed for the situation. In this particular instance, Kamini thought her son had a minor injury that he could recover from and made the best judgment for the situation at the time. She later found out that her son needed surgery because he had a broken wrist. Mistakes like this happen, but as a parent, you can’t help but feel so guilty for ‘not knowing better’.    We can carry guilt and shame for years and it can wreak havoc on our mental and emotional health. Kamini is currently working through this subject herself as she talks with you today about it. How can you choose to forgive yourself and learn to let go of past mistakes? By the way, it’s perfectly normal to remember your past mistakes, but you shouldn’t let them haunt you.    The good news is we do have the power to break free from the shame of our mistakes. We can practice self-compassion by asking ourselves what’s actually true, how can you learn from this, and love yourself despite any perceived flaws. If you struggle with self-forgiveness, then take small steps towards practicing self-compassion. How can you honor yourself, in a small way, today? Remember, you deserve love. You’re not a horrible person and we all make mistakes. Appreciate one small thing about yourself and hold onto those positive thoughts.    Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes

This subject hits close to home. As parents, we always try to do the best we can, but sometimes our best isn't what was needed for the situation. In this particular instance, Kamini thought her son had a minor injury that he could recover from and made the best judgment for the situation at the time. She later found out that her son needed surgery because he had a broken wrist. Mistakes like this happen, but as a parent, you can’t help but feel so guilty for ‘not knowing better’. 


We can carry guilt and shame for years and it can wreak havoc on our mental and emotional health. Kamini is currently working through this subject herself as she talks with you today about it. How can you choose to forgive yourself and learn to let go of past mistakes? By the way, it’s perfectly normal to remember your past mistakes, but you shouldn’t let them haunt you. 


The good news is we do have the power to break free from the shame of our mistakes. We can practice self-compassion by asking ourselves what’s actually true, how can you learn from this, and love yourself despite any perceived flaws. If you struggle with self-forgiveness, then take small steps towards practicing self-compassion. How can you honor yourself, in a small way, today? Remember, you deserve love. You’re not a horrible person and we all make mistakes. Appreciate one small thing about yourself and hold onto those positive thoughts. 


Continue Your Growth Journey:



What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly