The Talking Silkworm Podcast

Survivorship bias distorts our perception of success. Often, we base our actions and measure our success on partial truths and cherry-picked examples we consuder "successful", leading to frustration and misguided strategies. We uncover the concept of survivorship bias and its implications, challenging the assumptions we make based on the success stories we encounter.

  • Survivorship bias and its role in distorting our perception of success
  • The tendency to focus solely on successful individuals or businesses while overlooking those that failed
  • The impact of survivorship bias in the field of business and entrepreneurship
  • Understanding the role of luck and timing in achieving success
  • Unveiling the missing pieces and asking critical questions to overcome survivorship bias
  • The danger of assuming that a particular strategy or template will yield the same results for every business
  • Emphasizing the need for a holistic view that includes both successful and unsuccessful cases
  • Encouragement to make decisions based on one's unique circumstances and reality
  • Acknowledging that failure is a natural part of the journey and an opportunity for growth and learning

What is The Talking Silkworm Podcast?

Are you creating podcasts, videos, courses or other content where you use your voice? The Talking Silkworm Podcast is the ultimate guide for coaches and entrepreneurs looking to expand their audiences through the power of their voice. Join us as we share valuable insights, advice, and resources to help you establish a strong online presence and connect with your ideal listeners.

Whether you're a podcaster, video creator, course instructor, or anyone utilizing your voice in content creation, our weekly episodes offer the latest strategies to elevate your voice-based content.

Are you eager to grow your audience and make a lasting impact? Tune in right now and unlock the true potential of your voice.