MoneyTok: Practical Advice and Tips on Money, Investing, Wealth Creation and Financial Independence

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Unpredictable climactic events have been occurring with increasing frequency as well as intensity and it's no longer just animals or insects or forests getting decimated. This time it's personal. The change is literally at our doorsteps in the form of wildfires, record high temperatures, flash floods, droughts.

What used to be something we thought was a hundred years away is now being measured in decades. In our lifetime. And so, weirdly and very unfortunately, it has suddenly become critical to factor in climate change when laying out your retirement plan. How should we begin?

Show Notes

Get your free retirement location checklist and full episode transcript here

Unpredictable climactic events have been occurring with increasing frequency as well as intensity and it's no longer just animals or insects or forests getting decimated. This time it's personal. The change is literally at our doorsteps in the form of wildfires, record high temperatures, flash floods, droughts.

What used to be something we thought was a hundred years away is now being measured in decades. In our lifetime. And so, weirdly and very unfortunately, it has suddenly become critical to factor in climate change when laying out your retirement plan. How should we begin?

What is MoneyTok: Practical Advice and Tips on Money, Investing, Wealth Creation and Financial Independence?

Learn how to build wealth towards a comfortable and rewarding future with these practical tips and insights from an experienced investor. [Not a certified financial professional so please do your own research before making financial decisions]