Full Stack Radio

Full Stack Radio Trailer Bonus Episode 65 Season 1

65: New PushSilver Pricing and Co-Founding KiteTail

65: New PushSilver Pricing and Co-Founding KiteTail65: New PushSilver Pricing and Co-Founding KiteTail


In this episode, David shares the details behind the pricing changes he's decided on for PushSilver and talks about some of the new features and marketing strategies he's working on for the upcoming launch.

Show Notes

Adam shares the details behind his decision to bring on a co-founder for KiteTail, talks the collaboration process when working on an app with somebody else, and give an update on where he's at with getting KiteTail integrated into the Test-Driven Laravel course app.

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What is Full Stack Radio?

A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.