One Soul Radio

Paramahansa Yogananda’s exquisite personal journey, detailed in Autobiography of a Yogi, is among the most important spiritual stories of our time. He introduced millions of people to meditation and yoga, meeting with everyone from business leaders to a U.S. president to spread his wisdom. In this very special episode, Steve Hasenberg and Cali Alpert broadcast live from Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple in Los Angeles where Yogananda lived for a time, interview a monk of the SRF monastic community, and pay tribute to the 20th century’s first “superstar guru.”

What is One Soul Radio?

One Soul Radio is a conscious, interactive conversation that is grounded in psychology and inspired by spirit. Hosted by spiritual psychotherapist Steve Hasenberg, M.A., M.F.T., and Emmy-winning TV producer Cali Alpert, One Soul Radio will challenge you to open your heart and mind in order to deepen your spiritual journey.