34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax

After twenty long years, Odysseus and Telemachus, father and son, finally see each other again.  The son is no longer a baby and the father is still glorious after these many years. However, the tenderness of the reunion will have to wait for there is work to be done-- the suitors are aware that Telemachus has returned and are planning a deadly welcome.

Sean Marlon Newcombe and Dr. Gary Stickel discuss.

What is 34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax?

Parallax -- noun. (ˈpɛrəˌlæks) The apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object.

A podcast that is an exploration from the ancient world to the cosmic future. Different points of view than what are normally heard. New visions.