Why God Why?

This engaging episode follows Ron Hall's emotional faith journey after a tragic accident left him paralyzed. Listen as Ron candidly shares his struggles with disability and how he processes things theologically. Discover what motivates him to still follow Jesus despite unanswered questions. You'll be inspired by Ron's perseverance through rehabilitation and desire to find purpose in suffering.

What is Why God Why??

If you could ask God one question what would it be? The “Why God Why” podcast is dedicated to exploring the questions that matter most in your life.

Deep questions often don’t have easy answers. We realize that we won’t solve all the world’s problems in one podcast. Our goal is to share our life experience, interview knowledgeable guests and look at how Jesus might interact with our concerns. We also hope to have a ton of fun in the process because even though the issues might be serious, it doesn’t mean that we always need to be.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we are honored to have you with us!