Real Perspectives Podcast

Welcome to the Real Perspectives Podcast, where we delve deep into the realms of real estate, technology, and the stories that shape our world. I'm your host, Vladimir Bosanac, co-founder and publisher of The Registry, bringing you insights from the leaders and visionaries who are shaping our future.

Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming Mahmood Ghassemi, the Chief Executive Officer of Sequoyah, a major commercial electrical contractor based in Puget Sound. Mahmood is known for his innovative approaches and strategic insights that have significantly impacted the industry. With a career that spans several facets of the real estate world, Mahmood brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our conversation today.

Join us as we explore Mahmood's journey, the lessons he's learned along the way, and his perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the real estate sector. 

Stay tuned, and let's dive into the world of real perspectives with Mahmood Ghassemi.

What is Real Perspectives Podcast?

Exploring commercial real estate topics across the West Coast of the US, and sometimes the world!