Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health

My guest today is Consuelo Reinitz of Pink Fries Paperie. She tells us her story: how she got into watercolors and art (a very unexpected hobby turned Etsy shop) and what it's like juggling her creative work with caring for her 9-month-old son Lucas.

I've known Consuelo since I was in diapers, but I never in a million years would've guessed she had an interest in art—and neither did she! I spend the majority of this interview digging into how she unsurfaced this love for watercolors and creativity.

Show Notes

This is the 26th episode of Process, and I'm so grateful you're tuning in!
Let's get to it...
In this episode
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My guest today is Consuelo Reinitz of Pink Fries Paperie. She tells us her story: how she got into watercolors and art (a very unexpected hobby turned Etsy shop) and what it's like juggling her creative work with caring for her 9-month-old son Lucas.
I've known Consuelo since I was in diapers, but I never in a million years would've guessed she had an interest in art—and neither did she! I spend the majority of this interview digging into how she unsurfaced this love for watercolors and creativity.
During our conversation, we cover:
  • How a joke turned into an Etsy shop
  • What drives her watercolor aesthetic
  • Finding the time and space to create, produce and market her work
  • Discovering the reason for her past "laziness" and uncovering what she's passionate about
  • Where she pulls her inspiration from and finding her unique artistic expression
My favorite moment is when Consuelo says:
"This isn't just about selling art on Etsy. This is about me and my journey and what I'm enjoying."
Show notes
Here's everything we mention during the show:
- Connect with Consuelo and Pink Fries Paperie: the Etsy shop / on Instagram
- Austin Kleon's book Steal Like An Artist
- Caroline Kelso's episode #016 of Process and her "You're more than your likes" artwork 
- David Rock's book Your Brain At Work
- Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic
Thanks for listening! And a huge thanks to Consuelo for joining me on this episode #026 of Process.
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PS. I'll be back next week with another solo episode—an update on my own creative process, the projects I'm working on, and everything that's going on in between. I love recording the raw solo episodes, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :-)

What is Process with Marcella Chamorro: Creativity | Mindset | Mental Health?

Process is a podcast for creators and makers who struggle to manage the ups and downs of a creative life, despite the impact they make on our world. Hosted by Marcella Chamorro, this show reveals strategies and stories for managing the rollercoaster of creativity. Discover how you can maintain a peaceful mindset throughout your creative journey. While Marcella confesses she isn't a licensed coach or therapist, she shares the practical methods she's used to experience peace of mind and creative flow throughout all her projects. More importantly, she interviews successful entrepreneurs and creatives from all walks of life to tell their stories and share what has worked for them in the past, including how to avoid burnout, when to put yourself first, what advice to follow when making a big life or business change, and more. Get ready to deep dive into topics such as meditation, zen practices, stoicism, journaling, morning pages, entrepreneurship, failure, and all sorts of tools that can help makers live a more peaceful and creative life.