Undigital Podcast

Undigital Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 1

026 - What Comes Next

026 - What Comes Next026 - What Comes Next


Jason and Jess get caught up after taking a week off. They also talk about what comes next--you know, after the world gets back to "normal," whatever that means. Specifically, what will working remotely look like when people start heading back to the office.  https://www.computerworld.com/article/3599140/the-work-from-home-employee-s-bill-of-rights.html https://www.businessinsider.com/lifestyle-overhauls-take-full-advantage-remote-work-2021-2 https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2021/01/05/jobs-home-29-professionals-would-quit-if-forced-go-back-office/4142830001/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/maurathomas/2021/02/03/more-ways-to-succeed-at-remote-work-in-2021-and-beyond/    

Show Notes

Jason and Jess get caught up after taking a week off. They also talk about what comes next--you know, after the world gets back to "normal," whatever that means. Specifically, what will working remotely look like when people start heading back to the office. 







What is Undigital Podcast?

A podcast about the intersection of remote work, tech, and life, along with the productivity tips and hacks to help navigate all three.