
Lance Bloomberg's father was a big influence on his son. There was the fascination with money and finance that Lance inherited, and there was also the violence. Beaten regularly as a child with an abacus, Lance would eventually teeter between a career in financial analysis and serial murder. Seeing "Relentless" nearly sealed the deal.

Show Notes

Lance Bloomberg's father was a big influence on his son. There was the fascination with money and finance that Lance inherited, and there was also the violence. Beaten regularly as a child with an abacus, Lance would eventually teeter between a career in financial analysis and serial murder. Seeing "Relentless" nearly sealed the deal.



Slli’m Williams played Lance Bloomberg. Slli’m hosts the Enigma Variety show for The Cookout Collective. He performs with Washington Improv Theater ensembles Madeline and Poetic Resistance, along with indie teams Revelry and Earth Wind and Tired. Follow him on Instagram @BigSllim.

Erin Murray played Lydia CoffeeMaté. Erin performs with Madeline, a Washington Improv Theater house ensemble, and The Lodge. Follow her on Instagram at @eurniebmurray.

Produced by Tim Townsend.

Theme music by Bart Warshaw.

Cover art by Claire Smalley.

Website by Chance Griffin.

Website artwork by Nicole Bennett.

What is Optophobia?

Optophobia is the fear of opening one’s eyes. Our show is dedicated to encouraging you — our listeners — to move beyond that fear. To solve riddles they don’t want us to unriddle. To investigate supposedly ironclad truths. To unearth evidence, buried for so long they believed it would stay buried. Each season we tackle a new investigation into what is often dismissively called a “conspiracy theory,” and each week a new guest weighs in. Are you bored by the lies? Open your eyes.