Chris Waddell Living It

Laurel might enjoy her job, some of which includes colonics, which she cheers, more than anyone I know. Her passion is to heal and to help and her motivation is both personal, she had to take charge of her health after numerous surgeries, antibiotics and opioid painkillers, and it’s rooted in the historical, the traditional and the spiritual. As she says, the most common refrain from her patients is, “that makes sense.” And it does make sense on a personal, emotional and cellular level. 

What is Chris Waddell Living It?

Our greatest risk is taking no risk at all. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete and the first "nearly unassisted" paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro in a handcycle Chris Waddell interviews people, who had been dropped into a situation that forced them to confront everything they'd thought to be true. "Experts in the Experience of Being Human," Paralympians, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, share their fight/struggle/strategy to succeed in the face of adversity.