End Of Days Podcast

Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory according to which Hillary Clinton's powerful supporters are linked to a secret pedophile organization. It appeared in the United States during the 2016 presidential election.

Pizza - pizza - well, that's understandable

The theory arose from the publication of articles and posts on various sites and social networks that discussed the possible connection of the popular Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington with a secret and influential pedophile organization. All of these publications were based on the correspondence between the chief of staff of Hillary Clinton John Podesta, published on Wikileaks in the midst of the election race, with the owner of the pizzeria. Proponents of the theory build their assumptions on the basis of "suspicious" coincidences, photos on Instagram and other indirect signs.

The theory has been criticized and called fake news by many media outlets across a wide political spectrum, from The New York Times to Fox News. The DC Police Department called Pizzagate a "fictional conspiracy theory."

What is PizzaGate? PizzaGate is a scandal, a phenomenon that has rallied thousands of people around the world. This is an absolute evil hiding under the things we are used to. And fiction, people with schizophrenia syndrome, or is it true ???

What is End Of Days Podcast ?

Have we found truth ? It's more like we just uncovered all the lies, only to find that in between all the lies, the truth is suffocated until its gasps no more. Truth will always be surrounded by lies. The truth must be constantly pursued and protected from the lies. Just like there could no appreciation for good if not for evil, there is nothing more important than living truthfully in the face of lies. If you believe the lie your search for truth ends there. Truth from what we found is not a single destination but a way of life. The truth evolves, penetrates, sinks deep when found. Lies are fickle, shallow, and bounce right off you when exposed in the light of truth.

So, you think we found truth?