Femme On

Tonya speaks with And I Thought Ladies Jade & Wilnona about why they write literary life guides with pop poetry, the idea behind the Inspirational Woman in Literature Awards, and how kindness is a form of advocacy.

Links for the And I Thought Ladies:

Website: https://andithoughtladies.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andithoughtladies/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/And-I-Thought-Ladies-100056588953910/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/the-and-i-thought-ladies-8967a5215

Organizations the And I Thought Ladies support:

Creators & Guests

Tonya Todd
Author | Actress | Activist ~ Fairy Queen ~Sapiosexual | Cinephile Writing Linguistic Sensuality (she/her) Repped by @askamycollins & @OpaqueMgt UK

What is Femme On?

The Femme on Collective is a podcast collective where we discuss issues or pop culture that interests us, with a feminist, female view. Hosts Ada, Alyson, Jess, Ria and Tonya bring their unique voices to a variety of subjects including books, film, TV, feminism, comics, fitness, activism and so much more.