Leadership Conversations

Name: Logan Lee

Current title: Visionary Lead

Current organisation: Ignite LA Church

Multidisciplinary, diverse and globally-minded.

Currently leading the implementation of a Grant-awarded project to deliver microenterprise training to thousands of small business owners across the United States and Puerto Rico.

Most recently, I worked as a Business Development Specialist in the Microbusiness & Asset Development Program, at Catholic Charities of Omaha. I am passionate about training, empowering and equipping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and fulfill their purpose.

My focus on helping communities allowed me to register and coach over 200+ new businesses in the region.

My experience as a small business owner and consultant; he understands the unique challenges individuals face on their journey towards economic success and self-sufficiency.

I train, equip and empower entrepreneurs on how to start and grow their businesses.

Show Notes

Name: Logan Lee

Current title: Visionary Lead

Current organisation: Ignite LA Church

Multidisciplinary, diverse and globally-minded.

Currently leading the implementation of a Grant-awarded project to deliver microenterprise training to thousands of small business owners across the United States and Puerto Rico.

Most recently, I worked as a Business Development Specialist in the Microbusiness & Asset Development Program, at Catholic Charities of Omaha. I am passionate about training, empowering and equipping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and fulfill their purpose.

My focus on helping communities allowed me to register and coach over 200+ new businesses in the region.

My experience as a small business owner and consultant; he understands the unique challenges individuals face on their journey towards economic success and self-sufficiency.

I train, equip and empower entrepreneurs on how to start and grow their businesses.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Free Download of The Leadership Survival Guide (10 World-Class Leaders Reveal Their Secrets)

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