99th Episode

Sean and Paul discuss the "Brief Lives" arc of Sandman.

Show Notes

Sean and Paul discuss the "Brief Lives" arc of Sandman.

This story arc is a turning point for the series, and transitions us into the home stretch of Sandman stories.

This is also a very plot-heavy arc, so we take a look at the plot and extract some meaning from this one. What can we learn from Dream and Delirium's journey? And what can we learn from Destruction at the end of their journey?

This episode continues our discussion of Sandman, and we have covered all the previous arcs in previous episodes. Take a look through our feed to find our discussion of your favorite Sandman stories.

What is 99th Episode?

Sean and Paul discuss the movies, comics, music, and toys that we love, and how we behave, as a fan, towards the things we like. Cool stuff, life lessons, and other random topics is the bill of goods for this show.