34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax

As night falls on the palace, Odysseus begins to put his strategy into motion when the suitors leave for the night. With help of his son Telemachus and his matron Athena, Odysseus secures the weapons. Later, Odysseus finally encounters Penelope-- but while still disguised as a beggar.  The tender moment is punctuated by a dream the Penelope shares with her husband for whom she has long waited, but does not yet recognize. 

Sean Marlon Newcombe and Dr. Gary Stickel discuss. 

What is 34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax?

Parallax -- noun. (ˈpɛrəˌlæks) The apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object.

A podcast that is an exploration from the ancient world to the cosmic future. Different points of view than what are normally heard. New visions.