Christ Community Church - Downtown Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

John 5:31-47 // Gabe Coyle

Show Notes

Imagine you are accused of a crime, and despite the utter lack of evidence to convict, you are declared “guilty” by a jury of your peers. Imagine now you have a significant amount of evidence that proves your innocence, and still, the jury declares you “guilty.”
It is this very miscarriage of justice that Jesus experienced by the religious leaders in his day. The people who “knew the Scriptures” and did all the holy things and avoided all the toxic things, condemned Jesus.
Join us as we look at the evidence laid out by Jesus in John’s brilliant gospel account and invite justice to prevail in our assessment of Jesus.
Sermon Notes:


What is Christ Community Church - Downtown Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Downtown Campus.