Stories Jesus Told with Daniel Fusco - A Lifeway Bible Study

Promo: Making Time

You have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.

Learn more and download group guides at

For questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to


Check out the Simple Faith podcast with Rusty George, the lead pastor at Crossroads Christian Church. Rusty and the Simple Faith podcast are doing a brand new limited experience in the month of June called, "Friend of God"

This is a sneak peek at the first of the 40 episode series, for the full series, look for "Simple Faith With Rusty George" on your favorite podcast app or by clicking here:

This first episode: Ever thought about what it means to be "the one Jesus loves"? In today's devotional, we're kicking off our series with a deep dive into this incredible concept. John faced unimaginable trials, yet he defined himself by Jesus' love. Join me as we explore how viewing ourselves as loved by Jesus can reshape our identity and transform our daily lives.

About Rusty: Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie. Under his dedicated leadership, Crossroads Christian Church aspires to flourish as a vibrant community committed to guiding individuals in their journey to discover and follow the path of Jesus.

Beyond leading Crossroads Church, Rusty is a global speaker, leader and teacher focusing on making real life simple. Rusty has also written several books and can be heard weekly on his podcast, Leading Simple with Rusty George.

Aside from being a loyal Chiefs, Royals, and Lakers fan, Rusty is first and foremost committed to his family. Rusty has been married to his wife, Lorrie, for over twenty-five years, and they have two daughters, Lindsey and Sidney. As a family, they enjoy walking the dogs, playing board games together, and watching HGTV while Rusty watches ESPN on his iPad.

Creators & Guests

Daniel Fusco
Telling Everyone that Jesus is Real

What is Stories Jesus Told with Daniel Fusco - A Lifeway Bible Study?

Exploring the Heart of the Parables

Stories Jesus Told is a six week mini-series with teaching from author Daniel Fusco. Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s a novel, film, or song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us—for good or bad. If you need fresh inspiration or are stuck living under the weight of a story you can’t shake off, consider this study of the parables of Jesus.

Through six sessions, you’ll hear directly from Jesus through the Word. His parables not only form (or reform) who we are, they reveal more about God than we ever thought possible. They provide the hope we’re looking for, speaking above all the other noise we may be experiencing.

Session topics:
1. Why Parables?
2. The Parable of the Soils
3. The Parables of Lost Things
4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
5. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
6. The Parable of the Talents

Daniel Fusco is an author, a church planter, and the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington. His radio program, Jesus Is Real Radio, is broadcast across the country, and his TV show, Real with Daniel Fusco, airs across the globe. He also hosts the popular Crazy Happy with Daniel Fusco podcast. His numerous articles have appeared on CBN, PreachingToday, and in Relevant. Daniel and his wife, Lynn, have three children and reside in southwest Washington.