Tappin’ In is a co-created mass participation tap dancing and storytelling extravaganza. Celebrating the stories of the West Midlands and the people who call it home, Tappin’ In is bringing people together to tap dance and chat about themselves, whilst having a good time. 130 people from Birmingham, Coventry, Stoke, Rugby, Cannock, Chelmsley Wood, Tamworth and Telford are coming together during spring 2022 to learn to tap dance, whilst also listening to each other’s stories and experiences. Tappin' In's live performance will be taking place on the 18th June 2022 in Brindley Place, Birmingham with doors opening at 2pm.
This week, Dave Massey talks to Steph Ridings, artistic director of Tappin' In, about her experience bringing so many people together and more about the performance.
To find out more about Tappin' In, head over to
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