Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler

Mystie and Pam will chat today about how homeschooling teens is different from homeschooling the under-10 crowd.

Show Notes

Great Homeschool Conventions
Didn’t finish video curriculum
What a marriage book taught me about parenting teens (Mystie)
Visual Latin
Home Science Tools

What is Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler?

Brief, off-the-cuff conversations about real life homeschooling in the moment. Pam & Mystie both homeschool teens and middle-schoolers and have been homeschooling for over a decade. Together they share what it's really like, give tips and recommendations, and encourage homeschool moms to keep up the good work.