Unashamed Unafraid

Alcoholics Anonymous' Dr. Bob's response to Bill Wilson after he complained that no one showed up for a meeting he spent the day organizing— "But you didn't drink today" — speaks volumes. In this episode, Steve, James, and Chris recognize the challenges of forming real connections and a supportive community while providing uplifting advice.

Tune in for insightful truths like these: Everyone fears rejection, and introverts face extra hurdles, but there are ways to overcome them. Each connection made is a victory against isolation, and reaching out pulls us out of our negotiations with our addiction.

What is Unashamed Unafraid?

Unashamed Unafraid is a show dedicated to being unashamed about sexual addiction recovery and unafraid of coming unto Christ for healing. Pornography and sexual addiction are not something you are stuck with to manage your whole life. We share real men's and couple's stories of recovery, the best resources, and information from experts, and answer anonymous questions with those who know. All to help you on the path of being 100% healed from pornography and sexual addiction.