Society Tech Brief By HackerNoon

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:
A period when I had part in a small computer businesss
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This story was written by: @bobnoxious. Learn more about this writer by checking @bobnoxious's about page, and for more stories, please visit

It wasn’t very long before I had designed and built some protoype boards like these shown here next in the old laboratory setup. Our system boards were the same physical size as the S-100 bus cards used in the Altair, but our electrical bus structure was different. I also designed the physical bus circuit board in two styles one with I think 8 slots and another with 22 slots. The connectors were nice 100 pin card edge connectors, and we let the owner of H&L Electronics, our PCB manufacturer, Ed Lewis, use and duplicate the bus circuit board.

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