End of a Species: The Adam Tapes

End of a Species: The Adam Tapes Trailer Bonus Episode 13 Season 2

Motivated Employees - A Rant

Motivated Employees - A RantMotivated Employees - A Rant


Adam and Jeff do one of the following:
1 - Have an intellectual analysis of the various elements that cause employees to lose motivation at work
2 - Rant about stupidity in the workplace

Show Notes

Join Adam and Jeff as they ponder the causes of unmotivated employees, while simultaneously sharing their anecdotes of past experiences with incompetence.

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Jeff - @zeusnjeff / Twitter
Adam - @tatooinehermit / Instagram

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Creators & Guests

Adam Webb
Jeff Rufino

What is End of a Species: The Adam Tapes?

This podcast holds the End of a Species episodes co-hosted by Adam, our fallen friend and one of the founders of End of a Species.