We are back for our second installment of question provided by my sister Zoe. Here are the list of questions answered on today's episode: I have injured my hamstring and took time off to recover from, now my leg feels weak and I am in a cycle of exercise followed by injury recovery. What can I do? How do I tell the difference between muscle soreness after a run and injury? Every run I am running to the point of exhaustion because I want to get my best times. Is this okay? What do you recommend to address the boredom during a long run or to distract from negative thoughts that come from a hard run? I want to cross train but my muscle soreness interferes with my running schedule, what should I do? Does running on fatigued muscles lead to injury? All these questions will be addressed in detail. Click here to find the Run Smarter App on IOS or Android You can also support the podcast for $5AUD per month and interact with the podcast on a deeper level by visiting our patreon page You can also click here for our smarter runner facebook group
Expand your running knowledge, identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, SMARTER runner. Let Brodie Sharpe become your new running guide as he teaches you powerful injury insights from his many years as a physiotherapist while also interviewing the best running gurus in the world. This is ideal for injured runners & runners looking for injury prevention and elevated performance. So, take full advantage by starting at season 1 where Brodie teaches you THE TOP PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ANY RUNNING INJURY and let’s begin your run smarter journey.