Subjective Comedy

Brad, Mark, Rob, Finch, and Dan are joined by Brad’s former Co-host of “The Showdown Podcast” Vic Miller. They talk about the riots over the previous weekend in their own backyard of Indianapolis. Brad was right in the middle of it all capturing it on a live stream that is posted on his Brad Scott Comedy Facebook page. Mark was watching from Basement’s Unknown. Finch was far far away. Dan was drunk, and Rob was at none of your damn business. Brad is starting to lose patience with Finch’s antics. Mark is tired from being overworked. Dan is Drunk, and Rob is just happy there’s another black guy. All this and the very special “Top 6 Mt. Rushmore” of fictional military characters.

Follow our special guest
Vic Miller: @millerking51
Follow the show: @subcomedypod
Follow Brad: @bradscottcomedy
Follow Mark: @illtree
Follow Dan: @danwestcomedy
Follow Finch: @funnyguyfinch
Follow Rob: Nope, back the fuck up you’re too close.

What is Subjective Comedy?

Brad and co-hosts Dan, Rob, Mark and Finch talk with comedians, random people, and more to find out what comedy means to them.