
Eva Monheim is the co-host, director, and producer of The Plant a Trillion Trees Podcast and a certified arborist through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).  She is the Author of Shrubs & Hedges: Discover, Grow, and Care for the World’s Most Popular Plants and has authored over 100 articles and scholarly papers along with numerous woody plant manuals. Eva is an award-winning educator with a horticultural and environmental consulting, and garden coaching business. She’s an instructor at the globally recognized Longwood Gardens for the Professional Horticulture Program where she teaches Arboriculture and Woody Plants. Additionally, she teaches Woody Plants in the Continuing Education Certificate Program.  

Eva instructs Landscape Management and Garden Appreciation at The Barnes Arboretum at St. Joseph’s University and holds numerous degrees from the Pennsylvania State University in horticulture and art, a degree from Arcadia University in English literature, and post graduate courses in horticulture from the University of Reading in England. Her education at the University of Reading, has given her a global appreciation of garden design and environmental sensitivity for her work in the U.S. and abroad.  

Monheim’s articles, designs, and photographs have appeared in national, regional, and local magazines, and newspapers – she even had her own newspaper column in The Philadelphia Inquirer.  Eva was an assistant professor of instruction at Temple University in the department of landscape architecture and horticulture for over twelve years where she taught thirteen different subjects in undergraduate and graduate programs and was an early adaptor of teaching online.  Monheim has owned several businesses including a floral shop, landscaping company, and is currently a co-principal of VEE – Verdant Earth Educators, LLC – an environmental consulting firm.  Her breadth of knowledge in the horticulture industry and her extensive teaching experience has empowered hundreds of students who are now leaders in the commercial and public sectors of the green industry. 

In this episode, Eva Monheim shares her early memories of trees and their significance in her life. She discusses the rituals and traditions associated with trees, such as using pussy willows for Easter and picking fruits from neighbors' trees. Eva also explores the connection between trees and religion, highlighting the importance of honoring all living beings. She emphasizes the consciousness and communication of trees, as well as the significance of calendars and lunar cycles in understanding their behavior. Eva concludes by discussing the importance of self-care and compassion in the field of arboriculture and the power of teaching with care and connection. This conversation explores the heart of a teacher and the importance of understanding tree biology in arboriculture. The speakers discuss the concept of being mindful in tree care and the humility of a teacher. They also touch on the importance of experiencing trees from a tree's perspective and the significance of growth rings in understanding tree health. The conversation highlights the connection between trees and their environment, as well as the connection between trees and structures. The speakers emphasize the importance of stress and hardship in personal growth and the role of comfort in disconnect. 

  • Trees hold significant memories and traditions in people's lives.
  • There is a deep connection between trees and religion in various cultures.
  • Trees have consciousness and communicate in their own unique ways.
  • Calendars and lunar cycles play a role in understanding tree behavior.
  • Self-care and compassion are essential in the field of arboriculture.
  • Teaching with care and connection can have a lasting impact on students. Having the heart of a teacher means being happy for others who find fulfillment and happiness in their own paths.
  • Understanding tree biology is crucial for arborists to make informed decisions and provide the best care for trees.
  • Being mindful in tree care involves considering the long-term impact of pruning and making cuts that benefit the tree.
  • Experiencing trees from a tree's perspective can deepen our understanding and appreciation of their role in the environment.
  • Stress and hardship are essential for personal growth and resilience, and comfort can hinder growth and learning. 

Introduction and Weather Discussion
First Memory of Connection with Trees
Trees Providing Sustenance and Enjoyment
Tree Rituals and Traditions
Connection Between Trees and Religion
The Interconnection Between People, Animals, and Trees
The Importance of Honoring All Living Beings
The Consciousness and Communication of Trees
The Relationship Between Trees and Astrology
The Importance of Calendars and Lunar Cycles
The Lessons from Old Trees and Discovery
The Evolution of Safety Standards and Inventions
The Importance of Self-Care and Compassion
The Power of Teaching with Care and Connection
Staying Connected with Students and Colleagues
The Heart of a Teacher
Understanding the Tree
The Importance of Tree Biology
Being Mindful in Tree Care
The Journey of Learning
The Humility of a Teacher
Teaching Arboriculture on the Ground
Teaching Arboriculture from a Production Arborist's Perspective
Experiencing Trees from a Tree's Perspective
The Concept of Growth Rings
Understanding Tree Rings and Tree Health
The Connection Between Trees and Their Environment
The Connection Between Trees and Structures
The Importance of Stress and Hardship in Growth
The Connection Between Comfort and Disconnect
Seeing Obstacles as Opportunities
The Importance of Variances and Ups and Downs in Life

Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Laurie Prince
  • Kevin M
  • Peter LaRue
  • Scott
  • jason dommer
  • Andrew Hordyk
  • Mark Przekurat
  • Michael Tain
  • Dwayne Sr.
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Creators & Guests

Anthony Tresselt
Host, Arborist, Philosopher, Author
Dwayne Neustaeter

What is TreeActions?

Arborists talk about their experience, strength, and hope gained from being part of the human forest.