Dr. Warren Carroll Lecutures

Carl Gustaf Mannerheim is the national hero of Finland, and was one of the finest general of World War Two. Twice he saved his country from the terrors of Communism. He stands as a shining example of honor and bravery.

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Carl Gustaf Mannerheim is the national hero of Finland, and was one of the finest general of World War Two. Twice he saved his country from the terrors of Communism.  He stands as a shining example of honor and bravery. 

What is Dr. Warren Carroll Lecutures ?

A convert to Christianity, Carroll was educated at Bates College and received a Doctorate of History from Columbia University. After founding Christendom College, he served as the College’s president until 1985 and then as the chairman of its History Department until his retirement in 2002. He was the author of numerous historical works, including The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution and his major multi-volume work The History of Christendom.