Lucid Cafe

My guest Susan Loynd describes herself as jaded, cynical and self-absorbed, and wants others to know that if someone like her can turn things around, then anyone can. Susan is a trip. And as you’ll find out in this episode, she was born to be in front of a microphone under a giant spotlight. She talks about her unlikely introduction to shamanic healing (with yours truly) and how this perspective helped get her through a very scary cancer diagnosis….with humor.

Show Notes

Susan Loynd is an old friend who has a story to tell. I’m thrilled that she finally relented to my incessant badgering and came on the show to share that story.

In this episode, Susan shares:
  • Her talent for avoidance (hence not coming on my show)
  • How powerful facing fears can be (who knew?)
  • How Shamanic Healing has been a helpful way to address things she needed to address
  • And how this approach is a gentle way to look at difficult stuff
  • How she pushed herself to take risks and try improv, stand-up comedy, and acting
  • The road to her new passion, storytelling
  • A very personal Moth-style story that she’s presented at storytelling venues around Vermont
Also mentioned: Wendy’s other podcast, that she co-hosts with her buddy Claire (that’s irreverent and frequently inappropriate and not for everyone, which probably makes you want to listen even more) is: Inside the Box with Claire and Wendy Because Life Isn’t Absurd Enough

Visit Wendy's website, Lucid Path Wellness

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What is Lucid Cafe?

What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.