
Flashback to one year earlier. Jon and Rat make a deal with a gunner and stumble across a curious treasure while searching for heartwood.

Show Notes

☼ Heartwood Chest

  • Flashback to one year earlier. Jon and Rat make a deal with a gunner and stumble across a curious treasure while searching for heartwood.

♥ Swansong

  • Swansong is the audiobook in podcast form of the fantasy novel, Jon Swansong & The Pirata Isle. It was written

Please check out the full novel, available in paperback or on Kindle.

♠ The Creative Undertow 

What is Swansong?

Travel with Jon Swansong across the mysterious Escando Seas as he discovers his destiny aboard an ancient Pirata ship. Swansong is the audiobook in podcast form of the fantasy novel Jon Swansong and the Pirata Isle.