Warhorn Blog Posts

Warhorn Blog Posts Trailer Bonus Episode 145 Season 1

The Secret Service and America's sexual insanity: an addendum

Real men have always been loathe to fight women; and in the workplace, even to disagree with them. So no, there has never been a rising up of soldiers against women admirals, generals, or all their human resource apparatus enforcing feminist mainstreaming of the female sex across the Armed Forces and law enforcement.  But get the common soldier and cop talking privately, and...

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Music is Rise Up, O Lord, a recording of Psalm 10 by My Soul Among Lions.

What is Warhorn Blog Posts?

Audio versions of the blog posts on Warhorn, usually read by the author. If you like these, don't miss the Out of Our Minds Podcast featuring Nathan Alberson and pastors Tim Bayly and Jake Mentzel in biweekly (fornightly) conversations about current events and the Church.