Redemption Unveiled

8 years! 8 years ago, I was sitting in my living room talking to my husband about this idea God had placed on my heart. It became a blog titled Redemption Unveiled....and it was discouraging. I was starting from scratch with no idea how to do a blog, have a website or even have clarity on the message God was wanting me to share through this platform.

Every discouragement became a learning opportunity and a step that lead me to where Redemption Unveiled is today.

I learned that taking the adventure can take decades. We can want to quit over and over or even get stuck in the discouragement. The years were filled with confusion, changes and me wondering what in the world God wanted me to do with this.

Then it all came together...

God took me on this journey of confusion and discouragement so that I would have a deep understanding and ability to help other women organize and stay focused on what God has for them.

Learn more here: My Adventure

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What is Redemption Unveiled?

Say "yes" to the adventures God has for you & be prepared to do what it takes!