The Regenaissance Podcast

Former MMA fighter Travis Browne has always been an avid hunter, making him think about where his food comes from. He and his wife, Rhonda Rousey started Browsey Acres when they bought their first Wagyu, Kobe. We talked about his first experience raising Kobe as well as the day Travis harvested him. Travis is a first-generation rancher, so it was awesome hearing him dive deep into the regenerative agriculture world, expanding his operation, and wanting to help educate others.

Browsey Acres
Browsey Acres IG
Travis Browne IG

What is The Regenaissance Podcast?

Hosted by @Regenaisanceman with the mission of reconnecting us back to where our food is grown & exposing everything that is wrong with our broken food system. We are more disconnected from our food than we ever have been. I sit down with ranchers and farmers to give them a voice and hear their stories, helping paint a picture of what it really looks like to support humanity with food. I also will be talking to others involved in the agriculture space as there is a lot that goes into it all. My hope is that from hearing this podcast you will begin to question what you eat and where from.