Respond Worship Podcast

Respond Worship Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 7 Season 1

[RWP] S1 | EP 7 | Engaging With God and Others

[RWP] S1 | EP 7 | Engaging With God and Others[RWP] S1 | EP 7 | Engaging With God and Others


In this episode, Corey, Creighton, and Jeremiah welcome our 2019 retreat pastor, Josh Huckabay, to join us in a late night conversation, one that delves deeper into our retreat theme: Engage.

Show Notes

Find out more information concerning the retreat here:

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Articles Mentioned:…r-adversarial-culture

Books Mentioned:
Daring Greatly - Brené Brown:

Book, Bath, Table, and Time - Fred P. Edie:

Practicing the Presence of God - Brother Lawrence

The Mission of Worship

What is Respond Worship Podcast?

The Respond Worship Podcast focuses on the worship minister and volunteer teams; how we can better equip our teams, engage our congregations, and ultimately ignite a community of worship teams.