
Why are we resting on proficiency in education?

Tanji Reed Marshall CEO and Principal Consultant of Liaison Educational Partners. With more than 2 decades of experience in the classroom, district, and organization level, she has a lot of gems to share. The problem of educational inequities, and how certain groups of students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have historically been underserved and misinformed by ineffective teaching methods.

The system has too many pockets and gaps - it has to change so it can serve all students suitably.  Dr. Tanji advocates for classroom leaders to have skills and tools, but also a mindset to provide the best possible education for all students. Dr Tanji provides a framework for transformative change in education, emphasizing learning, critical thinking about roles in education, planning, applying, evaluating, and integrating practices.

The importance of literacy and the need for proficiency and mastery in education is a must and if all other industry has it, education should have it too because every student has the potential to achieve high results. 

📖 RONdering as a word in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 01:54
👩🏾‍🏫 Starting in retail and switching to education:  03:02
😃🙍🏾 Why do we get so upset when we talk about numbers and education? 09:49
🤯 Moving to North Carolina: changing the standards that are set so low.  13:23
🏆 Going to a Catholic high school and having amazing teachers - Tanji’s circle of champions. 17:22
😍 Literacy and power of reading is important for advanced math: becoming district literacy coach.   23:51
🆚 Proficiency vs Mastery - proficiency is not enough and we need to put more effort into all kids. 25:00
⭐ The three-queuing system is banned in some countries and literacy has to become a right in Massachusetts. 33:39
⚠️ Tanji’s five strategies and four environmental types: integrating practices and changing the system. 39:37
🤔 We are ok with kids being failed: a value disparity in education. 44:27
⚖️ A nationwide misalignment between values and practices in education. 49:58
💎 Tanji’s RONdering: naming the truth on where we are so we can go the way wa want to be. 51:22
📙 Tanji’s book, free course and newsletter. 
😇 Too many pockets in education and we don’t want that. 54:30

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What is Ronderings?

In season one of Ronderings, Ron talks to his guests about their superpowers, including career advice, diversity, mindset, wellness, and leadership. Ron grew up in New York City, and has been coaching and leading executive searches for the last five years, taking what he has learned from 15 years in corporate, higher education, government, and non-profit contexts. He and his wife are obsessed with reality television, and Ron also moonlights as a men's personal stylist and group fitness instructor. Ron says, "I believe in the power of intuition and deepening one’s self-awareness and impact on others. I believe in the power of connection and transparency. I believe that we must dismantle systems of oppression and racism to recover our fullest humanity. Most of all, I believe our power to change the world starts from changing ourselves first."