Once in the heart of The Congo, a mother faced a dilemma. She had unexpectedly given birth to three sons at once: Clement, Charles, and Michael. Overwhelmed and unsure, she thought, "How can I care for them all?" So, with a heavy heart, she left them in a meadow, hoping someone else might find and raise them.

The three brothers, growing up wild and free, always felt the pang of hunger. They wandered far and wide, looking for something to fill their bellies. The vastness of their world was both exciting and daunting.

One day, their journey brought them to a shimmering river. On the other side, they saw a land full of banana trees, palm trees, and mandioca plants. Clement, ever the cautious one, was hesitant. "We shouldn't eat unknown fruits," he warned. But as they pondered, the gentle voice of the river whispered, "Do not fear, little ones. Feast on the bounty before you."

Young Michael, unable to resist, tried a banana. The sweetness made his eyes light up. Charles and Clement soon followed, and the world seemed a bit brighter. They tasted other fruits and found that not only did they fill their bellies, but they also made them stronger. And so, they settled by the river. Over time, they honed skills as carpenters and blacksmiths, building shelters and forging tools.

As days turned into years, their settlement thrived. Their reputation grew, and soon, other families joined them. The three brothers, with their combined wisdom, led the community, creating a flourishing town.

One fateful day, an elderly traveler approached the thriving town. Hearing the laughter and songs, memories of long-lost sons flooded his mind. He realized these were his sons! Eagerly, he returned to his village to share the incredible news with their mother.

The mother's heart, once burdened with sorrow, swelled with hope. She immediately set off, searching for the town her husband described. On her journey, fatigue weighed her down.
While playing near the outskirts of the town, one of the sons of Clement, Charles, or Michael stumbled upon an old woman resting by the pathway. Startled by her unfamiliar presence, he hurriedly ran back to the town to alert his father and uncles.

Hearing this, the three brothers, ever protective of their community, quickly approached, ready to confront this stranger. However, as they neared, the familiar voice of the river-spirit softly called out to them. "Hold, brave brothers," it whispered. "Do not harm this soul. Take her to your home, care for her, for she is no stranger. She is the one who gave you life; she is your mother."

The realization dawned upon them. They recognized the eyes, the face, and the memories flooded back. With tears and joy, they brought her into their home, reuniting a family once separated by fate.