Pickled Parables

Chicho Martin shares the Biblical overview for the doctrine of the atonement of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.
Scripture Explored: Romans 3:21-26, Romans 3:10, Exodus 25:20-22, Exodus 24:3-8, Zechariah 9:9-11, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Luke 22:37, Isaiah 53, Leviticus 10:17, Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:23
Chicho is a Christ-follower residing in Oregon's Willamette Valley. He's a family man who loves apologetics and books about theology/philosophy. His passion is sharing the truth of God's Word, and witnessing to atheists in particular. In small moments of free time, he enjoys playing his bass guitar or some video games.
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Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi

What is Pickled Parables?

Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we study, contemplate and testify to the Bible’s incredible teachings and how it leads us to live a better life. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.