The Lean Girl Fitcast - Mindset & Motivation for Fat-loss

Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

It’s Monday and it’s time to get your head in the growth-game girl!!

I’ve got questions!!

How often have you thought to yourself:
  • I’ve tried all the diets - nothing works for me
  • It’s just my body shape - I’ll never be lean
  • I’ve got no willpower- I can’t lose weight
If these are the subconscious thoughts buzzing around in your brain - I need you to STOP what you're doing right now and plug into this episode, because you've been doing yourself a disservice my queen! 🖐

The limited, fixed identity you’ve created for yourself could be the very thing that’s been holding you back from achieving those beautiful, bold goals that you’ve set for yourself!

We’re diving into the topic of a fixed VS growth mindset for fat-loss and how the psychology of making the switch can unlock a powerful new perspective! Get ready to access your full potential → and say hello to exponentially more perseverance + consistency → the magic formula for real lean bod results! 😍

Change THIS and it will change everything!

Listen HERE pretty one! We’re about to upgrade your brain to version 2.0 🔥

Your hosts:

Angelique Daubermann (

Gilan Gork (


The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance. 

What is The Lean Girl Fitcast - Mindset & Motivation for Fat-loss?

The LEAN GIRL fitcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body for life. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.