How to Split a Toaster: A Divorce Podcast About Saving Your Relationships

Divorce can be a complicated process, especially with children. The acronym PEACE can be used to remember the major points. We talk through each of the points on the show today. When filing for divorce, keep these in mind.
  • P – Parenting Plan: Required under Florida law and is split into parental responsibility (decision-making), child time-sharing (custody and visitation), and everything else that goes along with raising kids.
  • E – Equitable Distribution: How your assets (things you own) or liabilities (debts you owe) will be divided. In Florida, the starting point is that marital property is divided equitably.
  • A – Alimony: This is a payment one spouse makes to another spouse during or after the divorce. The main questions regarding alimony are: does one spouse have a need for alimony, and does the other spouse have the ability to pay alimony?  If the answer to those questions is yes, then the question is how much and for how long.
  • C – Child Support: Child support is based on a mathematical formula. It typically lasts until the child turns eighteen or graduates high school.
  • E – Everything Else: This includes the divorce process and how attorney’s fees get paid.
This conversation goes back to the beginning for a refresher in the core elements to keep in mind when you’re going through a divorce.
Links & Notes
  • (00:00) - Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
  • (00:26) - P.E.A.C.E.
  • (04:24) - P for Parenting Plan
  • (21:00) - E for Equitable Distribution
  • (29:02) - A for Alimony
  • (32:22) - C for Child Support
  • (36:45) - E for Everything Else
  • (39:06) - Wrap Up

Creators & Guests

Pete Wright
Podcaster and co-host, Pete Wright brings years of marriage and a spirit of curiosity to the divorce process. He's spent the last two decades interviewing experts and thinkers in emotional healing and brings that with him to the law, divorce, and saving relationships in the process.
Seth R. Nelson
Seth Nelson is the founding attorney and managing partner at NLG Divorce & Family Law. He is a Tampa-based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems.
Andy Nelson
Hailing from nearly 25 years in the world of film, television, and commercial production, Andy has always had a passion for storytelling, no matter the size of the package.

What is How to Split a Toaster: A Divorce Podcast About Saving Your Relationships?

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.